Cosmetic Dentures Near You

Has an injury or poor oral health caused you to lose teeth? Have you looked into restoring your smile with dental implants but have found you are not a candidate? In time, missing teeth-and even dentures-can make you appear older than you really are.

That is because, in both cases, the absence of your tooth roots causes jawbone reabsorption. In other words, without your roots there to stimulate the growth of new bone tissue, your jawbone will deteriorate. Because of this, your bite will collapse on itself in time, reducing the height between your nose and chin, and turning your smile into a flat, droopy frown.

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    Cosmetic Dentures in Vancouver

    Cosmetic Dentures Can Make it Look Like You Had A Facelift

    There are three kinds of dentures: economy dentures, traditional dentures, and cosmetic neuromuscular dentures.

    Any dentist can provide you with the first two, but it takes a special kind of dedication and experience to provide a cosmetic solution like our cosmetic neuromuscular dentures.

    With our cosmetic dentures, you can look forward to dramatic changes in your life. Not only are cosmetic dentures more supportive, but they also make speaking, eating, and smiling easier. That’s because cosmetic dentures from our dental office are custom-made to fit snugly around your existing bone, helping you achieve your ideal bite. Your cosmetic dentures will also restore your smile to its previous fullness and improve the height between your nose and chin, reducing the appearance of aging. You might even think it looks like you had a facelift.

    With your new teeth in place, just imagine how your life could be different. Instead of wrinkles and a smile that sags, you can look forward to an improved sense of well-being and a more youthful appearance. You can also eat a more expansive diet that will help you enjoy better overall health. Meanwhile, your relationships with others may improve alongside your sense of confidence and well-being.

    Have you avoided care in the past because of a crippling sense of embarrassment? Our goal is to provide personalized, patient-centered care to all of his patients in Vancouver City. That means your needs and concerns will be put at the center of all our care for you. With cosmetic dentures, we can truly make a difference in your appearance and your enjoyment of life.